Hi can you share. Your config and how you implemented topology hiding?

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020, 5:35 PM Mark Boyce <mark@darkorigins.com> wrote:
Hi all

Just enabled topos with redis backend (topos/topos_redis/ndb_redis)

The interesting bits of the calls are going from kamailio (5.3.5) to Asterisk with topos enabled for that leg

All seems to be ok until the far end (Asterisk) sends a BYE.  At which point kamailo passes message to WITHINDLG, in loose_route comes up false (-1) and the BYE gets missed, falling through to the “404 Not here” at the end of WITHINDLG.

I’m guessing that loose_route should be able to “see inside” topos, or should I be throwing loose_route away when using topos?

Happy to upgrade to 5.4 and do diags if it appears to be a bug.

Best regards
Mark Boyce
Dark Origins Ltd

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