Hi again,
I've been playing around with Anthony's config posted above, and I believe I'm almost there getting msilo to work properly, although it seems that kamailio doesn't correctly recognize the callee is a local subscriber so it rejects the message instead of storing it.
Shouldn't the is_subscriber function return true since user 1010 is in fact a subscriber? I don't understand why it throws the invalid parameter error, but it's late and I'm tired of staring at the config file for endless hours.
Am I forgetting something basic? The user (1000 in my example) registers fine, so obviously kamailio can properly poll the DB.
Any clues?
Jul 18 21:30:50 pbx /usr/sbin/kamailio[16778]: DEBUG: registrar [lookup.c:158]: lookup(): '1010' Not found in usrloc
Jul 18 21:30:50 pbx /usr/sbin/kamailio[16778]: DEBUG: <core> [socket_info.c:583]: grep_sock_info(): grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 14==14 && [85.xx.xx.xx] == [79.my.server.IP1]
Jul 18 21:30:50 pbx /usr/sbin/kamailio[16778]: DEBUG: <core> [forward.c:454]: check_self(): check_self: host != me
Jul 18 21:30:50 pbx /usr/sbin/kamailio[16778]: DEBUG: auth_db [authdb_mod.c:291]:
w_is_subscriber(): uri [sip:1010@my.domain.com] table [subscriber] flags [1]
Jul 18 21:30:50 pbx /usr/sbin/kamailio[16778]: ERROR: <core> [db_ut.c:280]: db_print_columns(): Invalid parameter value
Jul 18 21:30:50 pbx /usr/sbin/kamailio[16778]: ERROR: auth_db [authorize.c:97]: fetch_credentials(): failed to query database
Jul 18 21:30:50 pbx /usr/sbin/kamailio[16778]: DEBUG: sl [sl.c:288]: send_reply(): reply in stateless mode (sl)