I'm doing some tests on presence functionality in openser, but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm using openser 1.3.0 (modules: presence, xcap_client, presence_xml with force_active=1) with eyebeam and xlite and with few tests I have found a lot of serious problems:

1) Query fail in mysql
Feb  6 17:05:00 SAM-IP ser[3865]: ERROR:mysql:db_mysql_submit_query: driver error: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
Feb  6 17:05:00 SAM-IP ser[3865]: ERROR:mysql:db_mysql_query: error while submitting query
Feb  6 17:05:00 SAM-IP ser[3865]: ERROR:presence:get_db_subs_auth: while querying watchers table
Feb  6 17:05:00 SAM-IP ser[3865]: ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: getting subscription status from watchers table
Feb  6 17:05:00 SAM-IP ser[3865]: ERROR:mysql:db_mysql_submit_query: driver error: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
Feb  6 17:05:00 SAM-IP ser[3865]: ERROR:mysql:db_mysql_query: error while submitting query
Feb  6 17:05:00 SAM-IP ser[3865]: ERROR:presence:get_p_notify_body: querying presentity


Duplicate entry 'sip:10208@' for key 2

2) Problem with PUBLISH (sometimes with segmentation fault):
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP ./ser[3807]: route <sip:10206@> <PUBLISH> <sip:10206@>
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP ./ser[3805]: ERROR:presence:update_presentity: No E_Tag match
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: ser: unhandled page fault at pc=0x40117334, lr=0x4041204c (bad address=0x47a9e6e4, code 0)
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: pc : [<40117334>]    lr : [<4041204c>]    Tainted: PF
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: sp : bfffe3fc  ip : 404367ac  fp : 000d62bc
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: r10: 404366b4  r9 : 407e2470  r8 : 0011fcb8
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: r7 : 00000000  r6 : 00000001  r5 : 0011fc60  r4 : 0000000c
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: r3 : 000d62c0  r2 : 0011fcb8  r1 : 47a9e6e4  r0 : 47a9e6e6
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: Flags: Nzcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  Segment user
Feb  6 16:29:17 SAM-IP kernel: Control: 39FF  Table: 033AC000  DAC: 00000015

3) Problem with SUBSCRIBE
Feb  5 23:52:01 SAM-IP ser[1248]: ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: Missing or unsupported event header field value
Feb  5 23:52:01 SAM-IP ser[1248]: ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: ^Ievent= dialog

Mar  6 17:02:16 localhost ./openser[12810]: ERROR:presence:get_stored_info: record not found in hash_table
Mar  6 17:02:16 localhost ./openser[12810]: ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: getting stored info

So I would like to know the status of the presence project.

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