May be I didn't provide sufficient details, so I'll elaborate.

I'd like Kamailio to 'talk' to only known dispatcher gateways, so in the REQINIT route I do:

route[REQINIT] {
# Silently drop requests from unknown gateways, very strict mode
if(!ds_is_from_list()) {
   xlog("L_ALERT","blocking $rm request from unknown gateway, UA=<$ua>, IP=$si:$sp\n");

Now, after dispatching a call to some carrier who's gateway address is a FQDN that resolves into multiple IP addresses, when an in-dialog request like BYE or re-Invite from the downstream carriers arrives, ds_is_from_list() returns false and the request gets silently ignored as indicated in the above route block.

Is that the expected behavior of ds_is_from_list() function?


On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 6:01 PM Sergiu Pojoga <> wrote:
Hi ppl,

The problem I'm facing is that function ds_is_from_list seems to return false when a gateway's address is a FQDN that resolves into multiple IP addresses (I'm talking about A records), consequently in-dialog requests like BYE and re-Invites get blocked since they don't pass the ds_is_from_list validation.

Am I missing some parameter or something?
