Hi Daniel,

In my case it's for an edge proxy scenario doing transport conversion, UDP backend to TCP/TLS client. So it would be after loose_route() followed by t_relay(). The initial TCP connection is established when a phone SUBSCRIBEs, later on the backend sends the in-dialog NOTIFY which often fails because the client & TCP connection is gone by now, causing a t_relay() failure.

Thanks. Regards,

On Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 12:29 PM Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:


do you need it in a generic way, or after some specific operations like lookup("location")?


On 01.11.20 16:45, Sergiu Pojoga wrote:
Hi there,

Is there a PV that exposes the outgoing TCP connection ID? $conid seems to be for received only.

$conid - The TCP connection ID of the connection the current message arrived on for TCP, TLS, WS, and WSS. Set to $null for SCTP and UDP.

The objective is to check the status of the egress TCP connection like for e.g.:
if(!tcp_conid_state(conid)) {


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