hello friends please help me to get out from this error , when i run ser start command it show the follow
 listening on
     udp: []:5060
             udp: []:5060
             tcp: []:5060
             tcp: []:5060
             tcp: localhost:5060
             tcp: localhost.localdomain:5060
             udp: localhost:5060
             udp: localhost.localdomain:5060
but when i start giving this command serctl start i got this following error
********Starting SER : PID file /var/run/ser.pid does not exist -- SER start failed*********
   i had checked for errors by starting ser -c but nothing i can do and iam using ser-0.9.6 on fedora 4
i even connected to mysql database and i can see the ser tables i think every thing is going fine but what is this error since 6 days iam working round this but cant find the answer
        and my ser.cfg it shows no errors , i dont understand from which and what way i have to go to debug this error
 please help me
        thanks in advance