1. Download the ONsip.org Getting Started document and config files
2. You may also download the Everything package
3. Anyway, don't use 0.8.12, it's old. Use latest 0.9.x (0.9.5 I believe)
----- Original Message -----
From: Friend
To: serusers@lists.iptel.org
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:33 AM
Subject: [Serusers] Help me for simple ser installation.

Hi Friend,
I am from India. Just following the Dan Austin SER HowTo and trying to install and configure ser server for the past one week no result. Feel helpless, can any one help me to make it successful.
Am using
 RedHat Enterprise Linux 3
 bind 9
 MySQL 4.0.20-0
 Machine: Intel x86
Can you provide me any sample files - ser.cnf, serctl, ser_mysql.sh from a successful installation.
Awaiting your valuable suggestions and guidance.

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