
Personally, I have to go to the documentation anyhow, especially for functions, where the name is anyhow suggestive, but there are too many to remember by heart and know their parameters.

Also, one of the benefits for short names is a compact string when printing them with xlog() or as part of function parameters.

Anyhow, it is possible to have different names for same variable. For example, even right now:

 - $ruri is same as $ru
 - $ruri.user is same as $rU
 - $ruri.domain is same as $rd

So if the people wants alternatives, it is easy to add -- just exporting same structure as for an existing PV, but with a different name.

Moreover, I do not think one (or many) would like $xavp(x) to become $extended_attribute_value_pair(x) ... so new names should not make the config look ugly...

Maybe the best way to move forward on this is to build a list of PVs that should get aliased names and decide which should be those. I hope not to start some flame wars, given it won't be any technical, but just taste about names and patterns...


On 03/03/16 13:30, Sven Neuhaus wrote:

a suggestion for Kamailio 5.0 is to get rid of the cryptic, case
sensitive pseudo-variable names.
Instead we replace them with descriptive names like the ones already
provided by the TLS module.

The current pseudo variables are a constant nuisance unless you deal
with Kamailio every day and know them all by heart. They are an
unnecessary barrier for new users learning Kamailio and force you to
refer to the documentation more often than necessary.

Ideally there would be a script to replace old variable names in
configuration files with the new ones to make the transition less painful.


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