Hi everyone,

I've sent my request on the rtpproxy google group without answer so try here.

I'm using Kamailio 4.2.3 (and few older versions) with the new release of rtpproxy.

I can't get the info of a session timeout (-n or -i options) from rtpproxy to my Kamailio proxy, using -n and the timeout socket.

I tried:
    - Kamailio side: modparam("rtpproxy", "timeout_socket", "unix:/var/run/rtpproxy_timeout.sock")

    - rtpproxy side: -n unix:/var/run/rtpproxy_timeout.sock

and other configuration like tcp, or udp socket, but nothing is happening on the Kamailio part.

The Kamailio rtpproxy man page give the example:  modparam("rtpproxy", "timeout_socket", "xmlrpc:")
Does it mean Kamailio only handles XMLRPC socket ? In this case, is rtpproxy able to handle XMLRPC (I remember a patch in an older rtpproxy version)

In the case Kamailio could handle other socket types, which one could allow me to get a session timeout signal from rtpproxy in order to generate BYE message at the signalling side ?

I could add that rtpproxy stops well RTP sessions that timed out.


Igor Potjevlesc