
I am using mediaproxy for rtp traffic.
I am using ser rel_2_0_0_rc5 and media proxy 1.9.0.
When there is an invite message and i invoke use_media_proxy
media proxy module in ser send wrong request to proxydispatcher or mediaproxy
(depending on the type of configuration)
The lookup request format according to the modules/request.py file is
'cmd', 'sessionId', 'streams', 'signalingIP', 'callerDomain', 'callerType','calledDomain', 'calledType', 'userAgent', 'info'
but mediaproxy module sends such one:
lookup MjI3MjcwMzA3NGQxNTc3YjUxZDA5NmQ1NzE4ZmNiOTQ.  local voip.touk.pl remote Asterisk=20PBX info=from:tzl@voip.touk.pl,to:poczta@voip.touk.pl,fromtag:cb239428,totag:as707ae074

there is no callerDomain attribute.

Please tell me did I miss something or this is realy bug in mediaproxy module.
