
better use these function


On 4/11/07, Tanguy Bouzéloc < tbouzeloc@init-sys.com> wrote:

I've some issues with my mysql accounting, I can only log successful
calls in the acc table and I've no informations about missed calls. In
mysql accounting I've only sip 200 ok and no errors. I've  not this
behavior in my syslog.

It's very important for us for evaluate the performance of our providers
and we can only do it with a database accouting.

For example, If I pass a call and I let it ring til operator timeout,
I've no trace of this call in the accounting table.

I've also another question, the lcr and gw tables have very small fixed
limits (256 for lcr and 32 for gw), since we have much more gateways and
sdas I've updated theses limits to a value which fit our needs, do you
thinks it can be a problem ?

Thanks in advance,

Tanguy Bouzéloc

# ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------


# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------

loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/mysql.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/nathelper.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/sl.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/tm.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/rr.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/maxfwd.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/lcr.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/acc.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/xlog.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/textops.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/openser/modules/permissions.so"

# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------

modparam("lcr", "db_url", "mysql://???")
modparam("lcr", "db_mode", 0)


modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://???")
modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "db_localtime", 1)
modparam("acc", "log_level", 1)
modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1 )

modparam("permissions", "db_url", "mysql://???")

route {

        if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
                sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");

        if (msg:len >= max_len ) {
                sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big");

        if (!is_method("REGISTER")) {

        if (is_method("BYE") || is_method("CANCEL")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "End call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU");
                if (is_method("BYE"))

        if (loose_route()) {

        if (!allow_trusted()) {
                xlog("L_WARN", "Host not trusted ($fu/$si/$rP)");
                sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden");

        if (!load_gws()) {
                sl_send_reply("500", "Internal server error, unable to load gateways");

        if (!next_gw()) {
                xlog("L_ERR", "No gw found ($ru/$fu)");
                sl_send_reply("503", "Service not available, no gateways found");



route[1] {

        if (is_method("INVITE") || is_method("ACK")){
                if (is_method("INVITE"))
                        xlog("L_NOTICE", "Incoming call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU");
                if (!search("^Content-Length:[ ]*0"))

#               if(src_ip == {
#                       subst('/^From:.*<sip:(.*)@(.*)$/From: "\1" <sip:\1/@\2');
#               }


        if (!t_relay()) {

onreply_route[1] {
        if (status=~"[12][0-9][0-9]"){
                if (!search("^Content-Length:[ ]*0"))

failure_route[2] {

        if (t_check_status("400")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 400 Bad Request");
        } else if (t_check_status("401")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 401 Unauthorized");
        } else if (t_check_status("403")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 403 Forbidden");
        } else if (t_check_status("404")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 404 Not Found");
        } else if (t_check_status("405")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 405 Method Not Allowed");
        } else if (t_check_status("406")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 406 Not Acceptable");
        } else if (t_check_status("407")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 407 Proxy Authentication Required");
        } else if (t_check_status("408")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 408 Request Timeout");
        } else if (t_check_status("410")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 410 Gone");
        } else if (t_check_status("413")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 413 Request Entity Too Large");
        } else if (t_check_status("414")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 414 Request-URI Too Long");
        } else if (t_check_status("415")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 415 Unsupported Media Type");
        } else if (t_check_status("416")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 416 Unsupported URI Scheme");
        } else if (t_check_status("420")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 420 Bad Extension");
        } else if (t_check_status("421")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 421 Extension Required");
        } else if (t_check_status("423")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 423 Interval Too Brief");
        } else if (t_check_status("480")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 480 Temporarily Unavailable");
        } else if (t_check_status("481")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist");
        } else if (t_check_status("482")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 482 Loop Detected");
        } else if (t_check_status("483")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 483 Too Many Hops");
        } else if (t_check_status("484")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 484 Address Incomplete");
        } else if (t_check_status("485")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 485 Ambiguous");
        } else if (t_check_status("486")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 486 Busy Here");
        } else if (t_check_status("487")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 487 Request Terminated");
        } else if (t_check_status("488")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 488 Not Acceptable Here");
        } else if (t_check_status("491")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 491 Request Pending");
        } else if (t_check_status("493")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 493 Undecipherable");
        } else if (t_check_status("500")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 500 Server Internal Error");
        } else if (t_check_status("501")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 501 Not Implemented");
        } else if (t_check_status("502")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 502 Bad Gateway");
        } else if (t_check_status("503")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 503 Service Unavailable");
        } else if (t_check_status("504")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 504 Server Time-out");
        } else if (t_check_status("505")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 505 Version Not Supported");
        } else if (t_check_status("513")) {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU 513 Message Too Large");
        } else {
                xlog("L_NOTICE", "Failure call($ci | $Ri): $fU -> $tU Unknown code");


        if (is_method("INVITE") && t_check_status("408|500|503")) {
                if (!next_gw()) {
                        xlog("L_ERR", "No more gw ($ru/$fu)");
                        t_reply("486", "Busy");
#                       t_reply("503", "Service not available");

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Thanks and Regards
Ravi Prakash Sunkara
M:+91 9985077535
Client and Parent company :- www.august-networks.com