Hi again,
By changing the parameters T1 and T2 in the TM module I managed to have almost the half branches than before BUT still I get the same Error and I try to send the call on gateway N.
modparam("tm", "T2_timer", 2000)
modparam("tm", "T1_timer", 1000)
Hello there,
I'm using dispatcher to serial fork a call through many gateways.
For a call to number 2XXXXXXXXX , first a try to connect through gateways A,B,C after that D,F , after that E,R , after that M,N and finally after those K,L.
When the call is trying gateway N then I'm getting the ERROR:tm:add_uac: maximum number of branches exceeded.
I found on internet that I'm exceeding the MAX_BRANCHES:
if (branch==MAX_BRANCHES) {
LOG(L_ERR, "ERROR:tm:add_uac: maximum number of branches exceeded\n");
goto error;
From a trace I got , I see that kamailio is sending to each destination IP 8 INVITES and if there is no answer to that is continuing with next destination gateway sending also there 8 INVITES.
When the number of INVITES is 52 then I get this error.
Does anyone can suggest a way to change the MAX_BRANCHES MAX number ?
Is is important to keep open the INVITEs from the first gateways because is an LCR scenario and if I get an answer from these gateways is important to complete through them.
Any help is apreciated