do you get anything in kamailio log messages when the fifo
is not responding?
No, I didn't find anything regarding the fifo command in
the logs.
What version of kamailio do you have?
kamailio-3.0.2, the last time we updated the code was on
August 1st, since then it is in production.
Removing and creating a new one will not help, since
kamailio will not reopen, so practically will still use the
old file descriptor.
It makes all the sense.
Thank you very much,
On 1/18/11 10:54 AM, Anton Roman wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having trouble trying to execute fifo commands
with "kamctl fifo <command>". Just after
restarting Kamailio it works fine, however, sometimes
after some days running it doesn't respond.
kamailio1:~# kamctl fifo which
It doesn't respond so I input Crtl+c and I
/usr/local/lib/kamailio//kamctl/kamctl.fifo: line 89:
/tmp/kamailio_fifo: Interrupted system call
If I delete and create the fifo file again (with "rm
/tmp/kamailio_fifo" and "mkfifo /tmp/kamailio_fifo"
and "chmod 660 /tmp/kamailio_fifo") it keeps not
Any help is welcome, what can be happening? Below you
can find info about the pipe and the running kamailio.
Thanks in advance,
Best regards
kamailio1:~# ls -hall /tmp/kamailio_fifo
prw-rw---- 1 root root 0 ene 17 12:01
After deleting and creating the fifo file again:
kamailio1:~# ls -hall /tmp/kamailio_fifo
prw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 ene 18 10:28