I have already logged on to the mysql server and granted all the privileges to the user that was being rejected at kamailio's database authentication... And i still get the same error.

What i don't understand is that in Kamailio's config file, whether i set the db_url parameter to the "root" user or to the "openser" one:

modparam("uri_db", "db_url", "mysql://root:<password>@localhost/openser")
modparam("uri_db", "db_url", "mysql://openser:<password>@localhost/openser")

i get indifferently "Access denied for user 'openser'@'localhost' (using password: YES)".

I think there is a configuration problem somewhere in kamailio's files, somewhere else than in the kamailio.cfg file... I tried to grep "openser" but got nothing relevant.

Thanks in advance.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <> wrote:

On 03/11/2009 04:32 PM, Sara EL KABIRI wrote:

In fact, the issue is still there.
I explain:

I had added this line to the config file to set xml-rpc's listening port:
*/modparam("mi-xmlrpc", "port", 8000)/*
And that was when kamailio couldn't start. I removed the said line, and tried to restart kamailio. I got this in return:
*/~$ sudo /etc/init.d/kamailio start

Listening on
            udp: []:5065
            udp: []:5065
            tcp: []:5065
            tcp: []:5065
            tcp: ims-desktop.local:5065
            tcp: localhost:5065
            udp: ims-desktop.local:5065
            udp: localhost:5065/*

I thought everything was ok, but it wasn't. I tried */netstat -anp/* to see if the server was really listenning upon port 5065, it wasn't. Then i tried */kamctl moni/* and there was appearently a problem:
~$ sudo kamctl moni

ERROR: Error opening Kamailio's FIFO /tmp/kamailio_fifo
ERROR: Make sure you have the line 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/kamailio_fifo")' in your config
ERROR: and also have loaded the mi_fifo module./*

I allowed syslog_error in the config file, and tried to restart kamailio. And here's what i got:

*/~$ sudo /etc/init.d/kamailio start

Listening on
            udp: []:5065
            udp: []:5065
            tcp: []:5065
            tcp: []:5065
            tcp: ims-desktop.local:5065
            tcp: localhost:5065
            udp: ims-desktop.local:5065
            udp: localhost:5065

Mar 11 11:02:20 [11473] INFO:core:init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the TCP io watch method (auto detected)
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] NOTICE:core:main: version: kamailio 1.4.3-notls (i386/linux)
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:core:main: using 32 Mb shared memory
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:core:main: using 1 Mb private memory per process
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:sl:mod_init: Initializing StateLess engine
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:tm:mod_init: TM - initializing...
$ Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:maxfwd:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:usrloc:ul_init_locks: locks array size 512
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:registrar:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:textops:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 11 11:02:20 [11475] INFO:xlog:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] INFO:acc:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] INFO:auth:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] INFO:auth_db:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] NOTICE:presence:mod_init: initializing module ...
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] INFO:presence:restore_db_subs: The query returned no result
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_new_connection: driver error: Access denied for user 'openser'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] ERROR:core:db_do_init: could not add connection to the poolMar 11 11:02:21 [11475] ERROR:usrloc:register_udomain: failed to open database connection
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] ERROR:registrar:domain_fixup: failed to register domain
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] ERROR:core:fix_actions: fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg line 324
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] CRITICAL:core:fix_expr: fix_actions error
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] ERROR:core:main: failed to fix configuration with err code -1
Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] NOTICE:presence:destroy: destroy module .../*

I tried to log on MySQL database as root user, and i got exactly the same error.
I can't understand why it says */"Access denied for user 'openser'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" /*even when i log on as root,

You have to rea the mysdl manual and learn how to grant privileges to users and why this error appears. If someone else installed mysql for you, ask him for the root password and how to legin to the mysql server.

and i don't undestand the meaning of the last line */"Mar 11 11:02:21 [11475] NOTICE:presence:destroy: destroy module .../* " (may i recall that i want to use Kamailio as a presence server).

This is a notice message that the module is destroying internal structure, it is nothing to worry about.


Thanks in advance for your help.

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla < <>> wrote:

   Please cc all the time to mailing lists.

   If you reported an issue and solved it, then it is nice to close
   the discussion thread by saying what was wrong and how was solved.
   Others coming later and reading mailing list archive can learn
   from your experience.


   On 03/11/2009 10:47 AM, Sara EL KABIRI wrote:


       Thanks a lot for you help.
       I've already solved the problem :-)


       On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
       < <>
       < <>>> wrote:


          On 03/09/2009 08:48 PM, Sara EL KABIRI wrote:


              I've installed kamailio 1.4.3 (without tls) on ubuntu by
              following the provided INSTALL guide. I want to use it as a
              presence server but i've got some problems starting it.

              "kamctl start" returns nothing.

          check the syslog file for errors. There you can get some hint.

          Alternatively, set log_stderror=yes in your config file and run
          "kamailio" (/usr/sbin/kamailio or /usr/local/sbin/kamailio if
          installed from sources) and see what you get on the screen.


              and "kamctl moni" returns "Error opening kamailio's FIFO
              I've checked in my .cfg file and the 'loadmodule' and
              'modparam' lines related to mi-fifo module are uncommented.
              I've checked also the mi-fifo module was installed indeed
              ( appears in /usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules

              Could anyone help please?


              Kamailio (OpenSER) - Users mailing list


          --    Daniel-Constantin Mierla

       --        S.

   --    Daniel-Constantin Mierla


Kamailio (OpenSER) - Users mailing list

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
