
Ovidiu Sas ( sip.nslu@gmail.com ) said 'This issue is already fixed in the 1.2 svn."

So I suppose I need to download a new version of openser but I'm not sure which one:
svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/branches/1.2 openser
svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk openser
svn co -r 1.2.0 https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk openser

Are this SVN version as stable and tested as the released one 1.2.0 ?


----- Original Message -----
From: jh@tutpro.com (Juha Heinanen)
To: mailinglist-openser-users <mailinglist-openser-users@e-qual.fr>
Sent: 05/07/2007 5:46:24 PM +0200
Subject: [Users] Openser generated strange SIP packets with LCR Fallback on a second gateway


i tried with trunk version of openser the same schenario that you
described and r-uris were ok.  in the database i had

port=null, uri_scheme=null, transport=1,prefix=null (for gw1 and gw2)
strip=1 in gw1 and null in gw2,

is yours somehow different.

-- juha

