Is there any progress? Thanks

2017-05-04 16:49 GMT+08:00 Charles Chance <>:

I think in the case of a (re)register, the receiving server should become authoritive for that contact and remove any FL_RPL which may be present.

I will take a look at this today/tomorrow along with the other issue reported on Github.


On 4 May 2017 09:35, "张顺通" <> wrote:

In dmq_usrloc, a ucontact_t with FL_RPL flag will not send it's modify to other kamailio.

For example, I have one edge and three kamailio(for register, name A B C). And First SIP REGISTER send to edge, and edge forward to register kamailio A, then kamailio B & C have FL_RPL flag, kamailio A do not have FL_RPL flag.
In this situation,  If kamailio A is crash, the second SIP REGISTER(same call-id and tag) forward to kamailio B, kamailio B will not replicate reg info to C, because kamailio B have FL_RPL flag.

What is the suggestion in this case?

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