I'm playing around libphonenum to get validation accross e.164 numbers.
So, idea is simple
if (phonenum_match($fU, "src_num")) {
if ($phn(src_num=>valid) != 1) {
send_reply("400", "Invalid e.164 format");
xlog("L_ALERT","ALERT: FU: $fU is not e.164 number $phn(src_num=>error)\n");
But on every (actually valid e.164 number like 380442459966 or 61388141397) I got Parsing number failed in error result.
Tried both phonenum_match($fU, "src_num") and phonenum_match("$fU", "src_num")
Actually phonenum_match("380442459966", "src_num") also not working
Debian 10 Buster
version: kamailio 5.2.5 (x86_64/linux)
libphonenumber7 is already the newest version (7.1.0-5+b4).