On 5/14/07, Tudor Golubenco <tudor@iptego.de> wrote:
Hi SER users and devs,

During the past few months we, at Iptego, have been working on a
security and monitoring application for SIP sites, one of the recurring
subjects of the SER user meeting in Prague ;-). To be short, VSP is a
network intrusion detection system, which can sniff the VoIP traffic,
parse SIP messages and create alerts when something seems wrong.

As the project evolved, we have presented our work to the iptel.org
staff and, together with them, decided to make the monitoring extension
of VSP available to all public. So, if you're interested in real time
statistics of the iptel.org SIP site, or in the repartition of
User-Agents, you can create your own graphs here:


We have already received great feedback from the iptel.org guys and I
hope to get even more from the rest of community.

Disclaimer: The project is BETA for now and the graphs haven't been
verified yet. I wouldn't use them for anything important.
its good looks intresting,
how about the live call status ? i mean how many live calls on that time.
calls graphs?
is this going to add ?