Thanks Timo

it looks really promising! I'll stay tuned for upcoming annoucements...



On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Timo Reimann <> wrote:
Hey Javier,

On 28.06.2011 17:53, Javier Gallart wrote:
> I have little experience with the dialog module -so sorry if the
> quesiton is silly-, and I was wondering if I could use it for doing
> accounting (acc works just fine, but I was looking for a unique stop
> record that includes all the call information). The basic idea would be
> to assign the initial INVITE to a profile; and then, when BYE is
> received, build a cdr based of the dialog attributes...but afaik , upon
> reception of the BYE the dialog is destroyed. is there a way to access
> the dlg attributes inside the script when the BYE transaction is processed?

Basically, what you are referring to is dialog-based CDR generation.
Although it's not possible to do in the current Kamailio, a co-worker of
mine and me have been working hard lately to implement this specific
feature. It requires changes to the dialog module (such as allowing
access to dialogs even after the BYE message is processed, just as you
mentioned) and extending the acc module by a CDR mode.

The plan is to get the new code into the project ASAP, certainly by the
time SR 3.2 is released. So watch out for a new repository branch and an
announcement on the mailing list to get your hands dirty with the new
stuff soon.

