Hi Jan,

This is not possible. RADIUS based digest authentication encodes all the
data needed to verify digest credentials in a single RADIUS attribute.
Freeradius expects data for digest authentication in this format.

OK I know this, If I configure digest authentication it works well. But I need to validate users to a LDAP server (We've more than 10.000 posible users)

User-Password attribute is supposed to contain the password in
clear-text, but the proxy does not know the password and thus cannot
send it to the RADIUS server.

But, Does SER known password supplied by user (in his/her phone settings)? How can I validate to a LDAP server? Is It not possible?

Thanks in advance

Aquel que planta árboles bajo los
que sabe muy bien que nunca se
sentara, ha descubierto el auténtico
significado de la vida.