
I'm testing the p_usrloc module (Kamailio version 3.3.2, installed via ubuntu package) and it looks like it's working but for some reason a re-registration is causing a new entry being added to the distributed location table instead of updating the existing one.


The kamailio configuration looks like this:


#!define DBURL "mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser"


loadmodule "p_usrloc.so"

modparam("p_usrloc", "db_mode", 3)

modparam("p_usrloc", "write_db_url", DBURL)

modparam("p_usrloc", "read_db_url", DBURL)

modparam("p_usrloc", "write_on_db", 1)

modparam("p_usrloc", "alg_location", 1)

modparam("p_usrloc", "reg_db_table", "locdb")


mysql> select * from locdb;


| id | no | url                                       | status | errors | failover            | spare | rg |


|  1 |  1 | mysql://root:secret@ |      1 |      0 | 1900-01-01 00:00:01 |     0 |  0 |

|  1 |  2 | mysql://root:secret@ |      1 |      0 | 1900-01-01 00:00:01 |     0 |  0 |



When using the default usrloc functionality everything is working fine. The only difference I noticed is that the default usrloc is using MYSQL UPDATE to update the location entry and that p_usrloc is using MYSQL REPLACE.


