"It still can be. Have you double-checked the cdradmin GRANT permissions
for the sipdb access rights ? Is the database created under that name ?"
Maybe this is my problem! My OpenSER database it's called openser and not sipdb. Where, in the configuration of cdrtool, can i change this name?
Still i have to GRANT permissions to cdradmin to openser database?
Many thanks for your help.
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 14:24 +0100, Nuno Marques wrote:That is correct.
As you can see cdradmin is with % and localhost in the host column. This means that it can access the database from anywhere. True?
Good, that seems to leave the mysql config side out (for install/basic setup).
I have sermyadmin working fine, accessing the database.
Yes, I was referring to mysql one because you description seemed to point at a mysql configuration problem.
When you say appropriate documentation are you refering to mysql manual? I didn't understood... what is mysql one ?
It still can be. Have you double-checked the cdradmin GRANT permissions for the sipdb access rights ? Is the database created under that name ?
Well, this is something I am afraid you'll have to do mostly on you own (we can explain, but only you can understand
I think that my problem at this time is understand the big picture about CDRTool, mainly when it comes to database structure, and some mechanisms...
However, your current issue seems more basic than this.
Jérôme Martin | LongPhone
Responsable Architecture Réseau
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