You only need to set the flag once for each message type.

ravi reddy wrote:
Thank you Mr.GREGER V. Teigre
             yesterday i tried in almost all places by keeping the flags at last i found two places one in loose route and another before loose route section but for both

methods iam getting another problem :- that is in radius database in radacct table iam getting two entries for single call  it show like this -->
radaccid|       username              | AcctstartTime             | AcctStopTime           |         calledstationid           | AcctSessionTime|
|        20 | 32331001@ | 2006-07-05 10:44:09 | 2006-07-05 10:45:24 | sip:22223333@ |               0 |
|        21 | 32331001@ | 2006-07-05 10:44:09 | 2006-07-05 10:45:24 | sip:22223333@ |               0 |

so this is the problem i have had now  how can i get only a single radacctid for a single call

please help me Thanks in Advance


On 7/5/06, Greger V. Teigre <> wrote:
You probably haven't set the accounting flag in your loose_route handling.  Do a test pretty early in your ser.cfg main route (before if(loose_route()) and set the appropriate flags.

ravi reddy wrote:
Thanks For your Response Mr. Greger V. Teigre 

                   I did
it ,by checking the dictionaries by seeing your messages in 2004 archives ,

but here i got a problem is that if i set "radius flag" in ser.cfg near call invite  then i am only getting AccStartTime  but  not AccStop Time

If i set flags near  (cancel or  Bye)  iam getting  only account stop time  and the acct start time is not showing ,

 if i set two places even then iam getting only one time

| username             | acctstarttime       | acctstoptime        | callingstationid         | calledstationid          |
| 32331001@ | 2006-07-04 18:45:50 | 2006-07-04 18:45:50 | sip:32331001@ | sip:22223333@ |
| 32331001@ | 2006-07-04 18:36:29 | 2006-07-04 18:36:29 | sip:32331001@ | sip:22223333@ |
| 32331001@ | 2006-07-04 18:17:35 | 2006-07-04 18:17:35 | sip:32331001@ | sip:22223333@ |
| 32331001@ | 2006-07-04 18:32:50 | 2006-07-04 18:32:50 | sip:32331001@ | sip:22223333@ |

so how i can get out of this trouble please help me ;

                                                     Thank you

On 7/4/06, Greger V. Teigre <> wrote:
I suggest you figure out your dictionary first (ref. your other post). Without the attributes in place, you get nowhere.
Remember that there are several elements to radius functionality in SER:
- standalone radius server
- dictionary file for radius server
- SER radius modules compiled and linked against radiusclient-ng (library)
- the radiusclient.conf file defining the setup for the radius client (used by SER radius modules)
- dictionary file for radiusclient-ng

The attributes used are defined in SER modules. All attributes must be found in the radiusclient.conf file (so that the radiusclient can understand the attributes defined in the modules).
Then the radiusserver needs to understand all the attributes (using it's own dictionary).

It looks like this:
ser.cfg radiusauth or setflag (acc_flag) => calls radius module => linked against => reads radiusclient.conf and dictionary => sends requests on udp 1812 and 1813 => radius server listens on ports and handles request responding back to radiusclent, which returns data (or just ok) to the module


ravi reddy wrote:
Mr. Greger V.Teigre

      Thanks for your response , when i tried changing line  as  radius_log_flag  the SER is showing there is no module like Radius_log_flag in acc module but when i keep like radius_flag its showing o.k
but here my doubt is are the accounting messages will log in to radius???
my config file is accepting the radius_missed_flag...
is this setting will log the messages in radacct????

Are you using FreeRadius for accounting ???

waiting for your reply


On 7/4/06, Greger V. Teigre < > wrote:
"To enable RADIUS accounting simply use radius_log_flag and radius_log_missed_flag parameters instead of log_flag and log_missed_flag. Mark transactions that should be logged with flags configured in the parameters."

This means that you use modparam to set the flag values for these two and then use setflag(yourflag) where you want radius accounting to happen.

ravi reddy wrote:
Hi SER Users ,
                 I tried to install SER with basic configurations and also with onsip config file with these SER is working pretty good ,Now i want to test accounting on radius server i installed Radius server with sql module and it is listening on 1813 for accounting , i am using radiusclient-ng-0.5.2 and i append dictionary.ser to main dictionary file. every thing is o.k

                    Now , how can I get the accounting details in radius server is there any specific configuration to do that ?
in ser.cfg i make some changes as shown in SER_RADIUS HOW TO's  but i dont understand the way to move ...........  :-(

so any body can please tell me an out line scenario how to send account packets to radius server so that i will work on that  ;

                                Thanks in Advance


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