the commit https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/6bdddb99d7bca42897b2c0f96a87c49b97efd8ac solves the issue.
It has been cherry-picked to 4.2 branch and it's included in version 4.2.7. 



On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Vasiliy Ganchev <vancecezar@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi folk!

sorry for first sending to the wrong list !

Currently playing around with push notification in kamailio, have a bad
Would appreciate any idea.

Scenario (all devices connected via TCP):
UA-A - sipphone,
UA-B[1] - sipphone
UA-B[2] - Linphone android
Server - kamailio+asterisk

UA-A call UA-B (UA-B[1] - online, UA-B[2] - offline)
Kamailio make ts_store, and t_relay to UA-B[1],
for UA-B[2] kamailio send push notification
UA-B[2] appear registered,
I make ts_append, and see kamailio sending INVITE to UA-B[2], but tansport
used is UDP (expected TCP)

If I use UDP on UA-B[2] - have no issue.
I am using kamailio-4.2.5, looked in sources of current master, did not
found changes that could help in my scenario.

General question - does anyone has same problem using ts_append for TCP
connected devices?
If TCP in ts_append should work OK, any other idea?


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