On Montag, 30. November 2009, heinz huber wrote:
> Is it possible to add a reason header in a CANCEL request? This is helpful
> in the following scenario: A call gets forked by the proxy (since there are
> more contacts for one AOR). On the of the SIP-destination-UAs accepts the
> call and sends a 200 OK to the proxy. The proxy afterwards generates the
> CANCEL request for all open UAC transactions. In this case it would be
> helpful to add additional infos, like "Call completed" elsewhere, so that
> the call is not listed in the "missing calls" list in the destinations UAs.
> I've found a linke in the tracker on
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2581449&group_id=139143&ati
> Has this feature been included in the last official kamailio version, or is
> it still open.

Hello Andy,

i think this feature is still open. You might ask on the sip-router developer list ("sr-dev" <sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org>), perhaps the new TM module supports this already.

