Hi All,


In our setup running kamailio (alpine image) in stateless mode and have following TCP config set. After client registers to the backend see two TCP connections created – one towards the client and the other towards the backendserver.  If there’s a abrupt network disconnect either at the client side or at the backend side, do not see TCP reset happening from kamailio as per the config. Per below config expected after 120seconds( = [tcp_keepidle] + ( [tcp_keepintvl * tcp_keepcnt] ) instead it keeps resending TCP keepalive packets at varying intervals for varying duration length(like 6mins, 14mins..)  before resetting the TCP connections.  Also want to mention that we are not using TCPOPS module here.


I am trying to achieve consistent duration for TCP reset in kamailio. Could you please point me if I have missed anything here?




Client ---- Kamailio (stateless mode) ---- Backend server  



TCP Config:


tcp_connection_lifetime = 3600

tcp_accept_aliases = no

tcp_async = yes

tcp_connect_timeout = 10

tcp_crlf_ping = yes

tcp_keepalive = yes

tcp_keepcnt = 3

tcp_keepidle = 30

tcp_keepintvl = 30           # Total 2 mins - 30+(30*3)=120 sec

tcp_linger2 = 30

tcp_rd_buf_size = 65536

tcp_send_timeout = 10


