I'm not certain, but the contact field may need to have angle brackets around the uri like the To header has.

Also, the only other thing I can think of is perhaps your line terminators aren't right. Head line must be terminated with \r\n and there must be one extra \r\n following the last header field.


On 4/14/05, Pavel Siderov <pi@hostmates.com> wrote:
Hi Paul,
I just tried your suggestion but still with no success. Here is my bye.txt
BYE sip:35923456@ SIP/2.0
From: <sip:166279@>;tag=95061277
To: <sip:35928229525@>;tag=as414565bd
Contact: sip:166279@;user=phone
Call-ID: BF5C0E09-B35D-4E5D-BB02-3572C6C2D2C8@
CSeq: 100 BYE
Max-Forwards: 16
Content-Length: 0
Thanks you very much for your help :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Java Rockx
To: Pavel Siderov
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Serusers] sending bye using sipsak [onsip.org]

Then the only thing I can think of is that you may have to include the <from> and <to> headers including the from_tag and to_tag. I guess you're just dealing with a SIP devices that looks at all these to match transactions.

You should just be able to plug these items to the BYE message template file.


On 4/13/05, Pavel Siderov <pi@hostmates.com> wrote:
I've tested this lots of times ... and I think that the Call-ID is correctly copied from the database.
----- Original Message -----
From: Java Rockx
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Serusers] sending bye using sipsak [onsip.org]

You'll have to ^C sipsak to stop it since it is very unlikely that the destination you're sending to will reply nicely.

If the call doesn't stop then you may have the wrong Call-ID


On 4/13/05, Pavel Siderov <pi@hostmates.com> wrote:
Thanks Paul.
Now I got
sipsak -f bye.txt -s sip:
** give up retransmissioning....
And the call continued :(
----- Original Message -----
From: Java Rockx
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Serusers] sending bye using sipsak [onsip.org]

Your sipsak command should be

sipsak -f bye.txt -s sip:
