This is my first post so bear with me if I leave something out.

I'm attempting to handle a 302 redirect being returned from another sip switch.  The 302 message contacts contains 6 redirect bindings with a different q value for each.  I'm using the UAC_redirect module to handle the redirect.  My problem is that it does not serialize the sip calls.  Instead it calls each in turn without waiting for a response from the previous.  I'm unable to configure the redirect module to serialize the calls.   What am I missing?

I've tried changing the get_redirects call to:

get_redirects("*:*", "redirect");
get_redirects("1:*", "redirect");
get_redirects("*:1", "redirect");

In debugging, I did notice that the q value seems to be misinterpreted?  The code that follows shows q values of  930,940,950 and 960.  Is the module interpreting the decimal point as a thousands separator?

The contact bindings:


the on failure route:

failure_route[REDIRECT_ACC] {
    xlog("$var(loglevel)","In failure_route[REDIRECT_ACT]");
    if(!t_check_status("3[0-9][0-9]")) {
                xlog("$var(loglevel)","In failure_route[REDIRECT_ACT] - NOT 3nn");
    get_redirects("*:*", "redirect");
        xlog("$var(loglevel)","In failure_route contact branch index:$branch(count)");
        xlog("$var(loglevel)","In failure_route contact branch q[0]:$(branch(q)[0])");
        xlog("$var(loglevel)","In failure_route contact branch
        xlog("$var(loglevel)","In failure_route contact branch
        xlog("$var(loglevel)","In failure_route contact branch q[3]:$(branch(q)[3])");

The log shows:

 INFO: xlog:In failure_route contact branch index:7
 INFO: xlog:In failure_route contact branch q[0]:930
 INFO: xlog:In failure_route contact branch q[1]:940
 INFO: xlog:In failure_route contact branch q[2]:950
 INFO: xlog:In failure_route contact branch q[3]:960

Thanks in advance for any help.
