Hello to everyone,we have a Kamailio 5.5 + RTPEngine deployment.
Some devices will send an invite with both audio and video in the offer and we are trying to disable the video portion of the invite by either setting the video port to 0 or by setting a=inactive in the video portion of the SDP packet.
We know that sdpops has a function that would be able to remove the video portion but it violates standards so we can't use it.
We need to disable the video in the SDP offers because one of the pstn providers we are using doesn't accept invites that contain a video offer.
I've spent days searching but I can't find an obvious way of achieving this.
We were originally doing it with textops but we've been having some issues where the sdp wouldn't be modified correctly in reinvites after the original call is in place so we're looking for alternatives.
Can someone please help us?
Thanks in advance
Simone de Blasiis