Hi, i compiled some of the tools included in the /test directory of the source CVS of SER. I want test the performace of SER in my server and look at the udp_flood.c program included, this generate a flood of SIP messages to the server. My question is how interpret the results.
If i send for example a flood with INVITE request for non-existent user to my SER and see how much SER respond to this flood in a time period, i supose that this is the Call Per Second supported by SER ?
# flood SER with 100 request in one second
./udp_flood -f invite00.sip -d -p 5060 -s 1000000 -t 100 -v -c 100
# SER make a log(1,"PROC_OK") for each invite processed
# At the end of udp_flood execution + some seconds i make
grep "PROC_OK" /var/log/ser.log | wc -l
Now, after this if i can see 100 at result of wc -l i supose at least 100 INVITE per second is supported for my SER ???
Thanks !
Usage: udp_flood -f file -d address -p port -c count [-v]
    -f file       file with the content of the udp packet (max 65k)
    -d address    destination address
    -p port       destination port
    -c count      number of packets to be sent
    -s usec       microseconds to sleep before sending "throttle" packets
    -t throttle   number of packets to send before sleeping
    -v            increase verbosity level
    -V            version number
    -h            this help message