On 5/9/12 11:45 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
Hi all,
Why kamailio send to syslog only received SIP messages? I want
see the messages that kamailio send to the UAs, it's possible?
On TCP/TLS SIP messages there is a degub of buffer with the
message that will be send, but a strange content has been shown...
following the log:
tcp_send: buf= ^W^C^A^B0HFCðg^W^R
My kamailio is version 3.1.2 and run with global parameter
'debug=3' and send the syslog messages.
debug messages printed to syslog from the source code are because
the developer needed/wanted them for troubleshooting.
As an admin, you have the option of using xlog to print what ever
messages you want. In 3.1.x there is onsend_route to see outgoing
requests via $snd(...) variable.
But if you want to get the sip traffic going through kamailio,
better use siptrace module which stores requests/replies in database
Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
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