On Freitag, 19. Juni 2009, Carlos A. Alvarez wrote:
> I keep getting this error when I try to setup ring_timeout
> ERROR:core:set_mod_param_regex: parameter <ring_timeout> not found in
> module <utils>

Hello Carlos,

this parameter don't belong to the utils module, it part of siputils.

> I tried setting the modparam for siputils as well to no avail.

Hm, on my system it works:

henning@ca:~/projects/openser/branches/1.5/test$ grep "ring_*" 2.cfg
modparam("siputils", "ring_timeout", 1)
henning@ca:~/projects/openser/branches/1.5/test$ ./2.sh; echo $?

(starts kamailio). I checked the docs, indeed the parameter is given wrong here. It uses quotes, perhaps you can check in your cfg and try the setting above? I'll fix this in the docs.

> Also the command options is recorded wrong in
> the 1.5.1 documentation:
> modparam("options", "options_accept", "application/*") <-according to docs
> Looking through the source I found out that the correct command is
> modparam("siputils", "options_accept", "application/*")

This is also an error, i'll fix it. Thanks for the report.
