Hi all,


I would like to use ser_fifo to register a user; I think the :ul_add: command is the clue, but I don’t how to use the fifo to do this.


My aim is to do the following:

I have a Voip gateway on a customer with a lot of phone number (700) and I would like to authenticate each number. Unfortunately I have to add a small amount of configuration on the voip gateway each time I add a number (uri), moreover I’m not sure this gateway will work with so many numbers, and the bandwidth needed to register each number every 5 minutes will be wasted.


The idea is to challenge only one time the gateway and then in ser.cfg if the challenge succeeds I execute a script to register by bulk all the numbers enclosed in a file on the proxy. To do this I have to pass arguments to the fifo using the :ul_add: command, but this is where I’m stuck.


I’ve done this:


echo :ul_add:receiving_fifo > /tmp/ser_fifo

echo location > /tmp/ser_fifo

echo 100 > /tmp/ser_fifo

echo <sip:100@> > /tmp/ser_fifo

echo 300 > /tmp/ser_fifo

echo 0 > /tmp/ser_fifo

echo 2 > /tmp/ser_fifo


but it does not work, I think this is due to the receiving_fifo, I have to do something with it to process the response of SER, but what ??


I know I can use the following command to workaround the pbm:

Serctl fifo ul_add location …..


But it requires one process each time I register a number, and it takes 1 minute on a Celeron 700 for 500 numbers (30 % CPU), and I think using the fifo is a more suitable solution (less CPU consuming).


Thanks for your support,




PS: I would like to register every 5minutes,cause the customer gateway is able to redirect to PSTN in case of failure.