Dear Greger


At the end of the log file uploaded to yousendit, is when SER stop responding to all requests (clients can NOT bind to UDP/5060), REGISTER, INVITE are all dropped. At that time, I use normal SIP UA to register/make call but it can not send even a UDP message to UDP/5060 of the Proxy Server.

Did you reproduce it at your side? (eg. Install SER or OpenSER 0.9.5 and scan it with SiVus)


Pls. advice how we can debug more in this case? There should be a bug here …


Tks & brgds




From: Greger V. Teigre []
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 4:43 PM
To: Hoa Thai Duy;
Subject: Re: [Serusers] Ser stop responding requests when scanned with SiVuS


I cross-post to serdev as it is more relevant there.


Dear Hoa,

I don't see anything wrong there.  Obviously, ser doesn't like the messages being sent, but I don't see anything that can explain why it stops processing.


Do you have anything in the send or receive queue ? (netstat -nlp)


At the end of the logfile, do you continue to send messages, but ser does not even print debug messages?


It seems that ser is handling resending etc after the last message was received, so I cannot really attach the problem to a single message. 


I think maybe somebody else need to follow up on this; I'm not really sure how to proceed now. :-)
