Yes, that output was from receiver. When using DB only and no DMQ, things work fine.


No, I don’t have any calls to save on receiver or register handling in general. I was under the impression that DMQ / dmq_usrloc module handled this transparently.


I have tried this previously though with no luck:

if (dmq_is_from_node()) {

                if (!save("location")) {

Receiver gets KDMQ message from sender, does the module then expose this to Kamailio as a normal REGISTER request based on user part of to header being ‘usrloc’?


I’ve shifted to using t_replicate and am happy with the results, but can still leverage DMQ so I’d like to get a working implementation.




From: sr-users <> On Behalf Of Charles Chance
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 7:06 AM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] DMQ - Failed to get domain



On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 14:40, Daniel W. Graham <> wrote:

My intent is to run in memory only except on one node which writes to database for reporting use.


If this is not possible I will use an alternate for the database host.



It is possible, although you should use mode 1 or 2. Mode 3 is DB only and 4 only reads on startup (nothing written).


Just to note, same issue is present for dialog module, in this case dialogs sync fine but nothing is written to the database.


modparam("dialog", "enable_dmq", 1)

modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1) ----(Set to 0 on sender)



Contact replication is still not working though, even with db_mode=4 on both nodes, still getting:

ERROR: dmq_usrloc [usrloc_sync.c:70]: add_contact(): Failed to get domain


# kamctl ul show


  "jsonrpc":  "2.0",

  "result": {

    "Domains":  []


  "id": 1366




I suspect here is your issue - although it's difficult to know based on the information provided why there are no domains in the list.


Was this command issued on the sender or receiver? If the receiver, do you have a call to save() in your config? I believe this is parsed at startup to determine which domains to create in memory - so realistically, the configs on all nodes should be identical (or at least contain the same REGISTER handling logic).


Otherwise, did you have this working without DMQ replication (i.e. replicating via DB only)?








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