Hi Daniel,
I think we´ve found the reason, why this problem occurs!
The problem is caused in the "agregate_xmls" function in
file "notify_body.c" of the "presence_dialoginfo" module:
/* loop over all bodies and create the aggregated
body */
for(i=0; i<j; i++)
/* LM_DBG("[n]=%d, [i]=%d, [j]=%d
xml_array[i]=%p\n", n, i, j, xml_array[j] ); */
p_root= xmlDocGetRootElement(xml_array[i]);
if(p_root ==NULL) {
LM_ERR("while geting the xml_tree root
goto error;
if (p_root->children) {
for (node = p_root->children; node; node =
node->next) {
if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
LM_DBG("node type: Element, name: %s\n",
/* we do not copy the node, but unlink
it and then add it ot the new node
* this destroys the original document
but we do not need it anyway.
* using "copy" instead of "unlink"
would also copy the namespace which
* would then be declared redundant
(libxml unfortunately can not remove
* namespaces)
if (!force_single_dialog || (j==1)) {
if(xmlAddChild(root_node, node)==
LM_ERR("while adding child\n");
goto error;
It seems to be not the best idea to "unlink" the XML
node (= "xmlUnlinkNode(node);"), as then no "node->next"
is available any more. Therefore, this loop will _always_
stop after one dialog entry and ignore any additional one!
But we "solved" the problem in this way that the loop
will not directly use "node->next", but a variable, which
is set within the loop. It looks like this:
xmlNodePtr next_node = NULL;
if (p_root->children) {
for (node = p_root->children; node; node =
next_node) {
next_node = node->next;
if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
This solution has been tested with 2 and 3 dialog
entries in a single PUBLISH request and it is working fine.
We should discuss if this is a problem that should be solved
generally or if it is a "private" problem in our use case.
What do you mean?