I thought t_any_replied() can be used for that purpose.

For example in failure route I used:
if (t_any_replied() && t_check_status("408") ) {
    xlog("L_DBG", "408 reply received\n");


if ( !(t_any_replied()) && t_check_status("408")) {
    xlog("L_DBG", "Local timeout\n");

But I carefully read tm docs and found "If called from a failure or onreply route, the __"current"__ reply is not taken into account."
According to t_any_replied() description my examples should not work, but they do (at production system for about one year).

On 11/11/12 1:54 PM, Uri Shacked wrote:
what is the command to check if the reply was recieved or localy generated?
I assume you need that in failure_route, test the $T(reply_type), it should be 1 for local generated replies:

