
kamailio is not an xmpp server. It offer the xmpp module as a prototype gateway for sip-to-xmpp and vice versa, for instant messaging and presence. But not that the two protocols are not fully compatible in these regards.

Look at the readme of xmpp module for more details.


On 2/27/13 2:41 PM, Vinay V wrote:

Hi All,

I am in process of integrating a sip server (Lync) with XMPP server (kamailio).

Can a kamailio server be used as a sip to xmpp gateway and vice versa.

If i am using any other xmpp server and want to integrate with lync will kamailio can be used as a gateway.

This integration is maily for IM and presence.

If it can be done what configuration should be done to kamailio.conf file.

Please provide the inputs. I am very much need of it. If anybody has done already the above testing please provide DOCS.

Thanks in advance,


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