
$au should be filled when the authentication is done. Are you doing it in kamailio, or the auth is done by asterisk?


On 20.03.19 12:39, Daniel Meyer-Wendt wrote:

Hi All,


I am updating our Kamailio from 4.0.6 to the latest 5.2.2, we use kamailio as LB in front of two asterisk server.

My problem is that during registration forward to the asterisk servers {$au} is NULL


This is the code we have, which is the one you find in most documentations

$uac_req(furi)="sip:" + $au + "@" + $var(rip);



I logged some Pseudo-Variable to see their contents:


{$au}     NULL

{$aU}    NULL

{$Au}     username@domain.com

{$fU}     username

{$oU}    NULL

{$ru}      rU: {sip:domain.com;transport=UDP


and ended up doing this which works


$uac_req(furi)="sip:" + $fU + "@" + $var(rip);


Any idea what could be wrong?




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