Ok I did it like this, every xlog I'm calling is in the form:

xlog("L_INFO","XLOG: $ci [ROUTENAME] debuginformation"); 

and also after every sql_query I have

xlog("L_INFO","XLOG: $ci [ROUTENAME] SQL: select * from ....");

and when SIP message is received/sent

xlog("L_INFO","XLOG: $ci [MAIN] $mb");
xlog("L_INFO","XLOG: $ci [event:onsend_route] $snd(buf)");

So when I'm vizualizing the siptrace, I can view all SQL queries, raw packets (it is done already by siptrace however) and additional debug logs associated to one particular callid. 

The question is, has xlog maximum length of the second parameter ? Because when SIP message length exceed some value (around 1500bytes, maybe some relation to packet max size) it is stripped. 
So when calling xlog("L_INFO","XLOG: $ci [event:onsend_route] START $snd(buf) END"); and $snd(buf) is too big, it is stripped and END is not in the logs.

Are you aware of maximum length of this xlog message parameter? I cannot find it in documentation. 


On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:

On 12/21/12 5:15 PM, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
21 dec 2012 kl. 17:10 skrev Ovidiu Sas <osas@voipembedded.com>:

If you just want to control the debug level externally, take a look at
the debug parameter:
It can be controlled via sercmd (kamcmd in future versions).

If you want to play with global flags, take a look at cfgutils:

For your own logs:

I usually declare a shared variable called "debug" in the pv module modparams.

When logging i do

if ($shv(debug) > 0)

All shared variables, like Daniel said, can be changed with kamctl/sercmd.
More for the sake of archiving, one can even do:

xlog("$shv(debug)", ...);

and if $shv(debug) > than the value of debug parameter, then the message is not printed, otherwise will be printed to the level corresponding to its value.

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