Nishar Hamsa.Regards,I am using this above the link for the basics.Thanks To all.If i create a cfg file where can i compile the cfg file ?
On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Alex Balashov <> wrote:
Nishar,Kamailio is a complex and esoteric piece of software, one that definitely requires understanding of SIP protocol mechanics to grasp. Even so, it will be a slow process, and requires patience above all else. You shouldn't be frustrated with yourself for not immediately comprehending everything. Just take it step-by-step, with the goal of learning more every day.
On 08/18/2013 04:59 AM, Nishar M.H wrote:
I am comfortable with Asterisk.
Here i am facing the issues with kamailio. Last few days i have been
struggling in kamailio integration with asterisk.
I couldn't understand anything about kamailio configuration.
So i want to learn about the .cfg file and the programming they have
used for.
-- Alex
Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
235 E Ponce de Leon Ave
Suite 106
Decatur, GA 30030
United States
Tel: +1-678-954-0670
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
Thanks & Regards,
Nishar Hamsa
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
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