how exactly do i set it?
and what is the difference between "reload" and "show"?
the reload is fine, it takes the data from the table i set on the modeparam...

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Henning Westerholt <> wrote:
On Wednesday 08 February 2012, Uri Shacked wrote:
> after resolving the field type issue :-), i changed the params in kamctlrc
> to point to the right DB.
> now, i notice that when i use the command "kamctl cr show" iget an error
> that it does not find the table "carrierroute".
>  in the cfg file it is all set and works fine, cr dump is working as
> expected as well.
> in the kamctl file i can find the param - CARRIERROUTE_TABLE. but where is
> it set from?
> anyone knows where do i make tha change in order for the kamctl to "know"
>  the names of the tables i use?

Hi Uri,

have you tried to set CARRIERROUTE_TABLE in the /etc/kamailio/kamctlrc file?

Viele Grüße/ best regards,

Henning Westerholt