On 10/10/05, Iqbal <iqbal@gigo.co.uk> wrote:
I read the the first line without the word "this" almost fell backwards
off my chair.....


I have looked into this also, the second sip server you need to ensure
that no auth is done, but then this means you need to be able to trust
what is coming from the first ser, which can be done in terms of IP, but
then this can be spoofed.

But if you are peering with an ITSP that does requires authentication its a problem. Some do some dont.

What would be nice is to have SER itself authenticate, i.e instead of
each call being authenticaterd, autheticate the entire box, and then
possibly have a open connection between the two, which if no traffic
passes for sometime is dropped, and then re-intiated when next call
comes in

proxy-proxy SSL using stunnel + X.509 certs works great for this if you own both proxies.

Mark Aiken wrote:

> I've just been playing with this myself.
> There is a function, uac_auth, in the uac module which can be used to
> authenticate a challenge from another SIP server. Unfortunately it has
> the following problems:
> 1. Does not handle increment of the cseq. At least in my experience
> this causes authentication failure, you may have better luck.
> 2. Missing quotes in the auth header sent by the other server causes
> parse errors.
> 3. Digest comparison is case sensitive (DIGEST in auth header causes
> parse error).
> 2 and 3 are easy to fix but 1 is a major problem for SER as there is
> no dialog state kept between requests.
> Mark
> On 10/7/05, *KaveH Aasaraai* < asi_ka@yahoo.com
> <mailto:asi_ka@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I was wondering how I can route my SER users to other
>     SIP servers, without need of authentication to  other
>     server.
>     I mean this:
>     My User -> Auth -> My SER
>     My SER -> Auth -> Other SIP Server
>     My User --------make call--------> My SER
>     --------route call-------> Other SIP Server
>     Thank you.
>     Kaveh
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