
You need to implement the web-service yourself.  See https://rfc5766-turn-server.googlecode.com/svn-history/r278/docs/TURNServerRESTAPI.pdf for details of how the web-service should work.  It is worth noting that this document has been updated (and the format of the credentials for use with auth_ephemeral has changed in it) since auth_ephemeral was implemented (and is now available as an IETF draft too). The module will be updated to support the latest version soon.

The point of auth_ephemeral is to give you a way to authenticate with SIP (or MSRP or HTTP) on Kamailio based on credentials received from a web-service.  But what this web-service is, and how you authenticate with it in the first place, depends on your application.



On 18 August 2013 20:30, אורן אברהם <oren.av.jnk@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear list.

Hi, I was reading the documentation & implementation code for the AUTH_EPHEMERAL module, but i still don't understand how the webservice works. (and where it is implemented)
to where i send the 'GET...' request and who returns the reply.
Is there any working example or configuration script that can shed some light on this ?

thanks, oren.

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd