Thanks for the detailed trace, I wouldn't have spent on this without it ;-)

Its' the ACK for the OK that is not done fix_nated_contact for. In fact, checking the getting started rtpproxy file, it seems that this error is also found there. All messages coming from behind NAT should have the contact fixed.
Strictly speaking, RFC3261 states that the dialog state should be created from the information found in the INVITE, not the ACK on an OK. Your BYE generating entity does this error. I have seen this problem before, but has not really thought about it from the getting started config file perspective.
It is thus safer to change Contact on ALL messages behind NAT, regardless of they are loose routed or not.

Fabio Macchi wrote:

Hi Greger,


I attached an ethereal SIP call trace of a test call ( summary and detailed, I simple maskerade final ip numbers ): below only the INVITE relayed from proxy to gateway:


Session Initiation Protocol

    Request-Line: INVITE sip:9999001234@194.244.gatewayIP:5060 SIP/2.0

        Method: INVITE

        [Resent Packet: False]

    Message Header

        Record-Route: <sip:194.244.Proxy__IP;ftag=12e1e2e19d527792;lr=on>

        Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 194.244.Proxy__IP;branch=z9hG4bKb24f.5133a2c4.0

            Transport: UDP

            Sent-by Address: 194.244.Proxy__IP

            Branch: z9hG4bKb24f.5133a2c4.0

        Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 1.255.ua_priv__IP;rport=1176;received=213.156.ua_pub_IP;branch=z9hG4bK35ca7adf63e3094f

            Transport: UDP

            Sent-by Address: 1.255.ua_priv__IP

            RPort: 1176

            Received: 213.156.ua_pub_IP

            Branch: z9hG4bK35ca7adf63e3094f

        From: "000003" <sip:000003@194.244.Proxy__IP>;tag=12e1e2e19d527792

            SIP Display info: "000003"

            SIP from address: sip:000003@194.244.Proxy__IP

            SIP tag: 12e1e2e19d527792

        To: <sip:9999001234@194.244.Proxy__IP>

            SIP to address: sip:9999001234@194.244.Proxy__IP

        Contact: <sip:000003@213.156.ua_pub_IP:1176>

            Contact Binding: <sip:000003@213.156.ua_pub_IP:1176>

                URI: <sip:000003@213.156.ua_pub_IP:1176>

                    SIP contact address: sip:000003@213.156.ua_pub_IP:1176

        Supported: replaces

        Call-ID: 953e8996cfcc4ccc@1.255.ua_priv__IP

        CSeq: 60577 INVITE

            Sequence Number: 60577

            Method: INVITE

        User-Agent: Grandstream HT386 FXS0

        Max-Forwards: 16


        Content-Type: application/sdp

        Content-Length: 327

    Message body


As you can see, contact informations are correctly fixed with the pubblic UA address, but when the callee hungs up, the BYE is relayed to the private IP address: am I missing something ?

In this invite I see UA private address only in VIA: does BYE look to this parameter ?

Later caller hangs up too, and the OK is relayed to the correct IP/port.


Any help would be high appreciate, thanks in advance.

