

I’m finding a problem submitting a HTTP POST using the http_query().  Currently running on kamailio version: 4.1.8 on Debian wheezy.


Normally this command has been worked fine, but since the body of the message increased (the POST data size is around 2000 bytes ) I start to get the following problem:


8(49381) ERROR: <core> [pvapi.c:1338]: pv_printf(): no more space for spec value

8(49381) ERROR: <core> [pvapi.c:1347]: pv_printf(): buffer overflow -- increase the buffer size...

8(49381) ERROR: <core> [sr_module.c:1696]: get_str_fparam(): Could not convert the PV-formated string to str

8(49381) ERROR: utils [functions.c:112]: http_query(): cannot get post value


I’ve searched on how to increase buffer and found some global settings that could be directly, however the problem persist despite having set very high values for those:






Can someone assist and suggest a solution.



Joao Alves


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