Peter Nixon napisa³(a):
On Mon 29 Jan 2007 17:22, Alan DeKok wrote:
tzieleniewski wrote:
I am using radius to authenticate request from the radiusclient-ng2 with
the digest method. I have a strange situation because client log the
following problem: "received invalid reply digest from RADIUS server"
This is strange because as I read on web this error is due to wrong
secrets configuration.
  Yes.  The shared secrets are wrong, or there is some miscalculation of
the reply digest.

I checked a few times and secrets are the same I even tried to reinstall
both freeradius and libradiusclient-ng2. Please help me and point what
could be a reason for this??
  Which OS are you running on?  Is it 64-bit?  What CPU?

  The libradiusclient code MAY be doing MD5 incorrectly.

here is my radius debug (maybe will help):
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32894, id=198,
length=300 User-Name = ""
        Digest-Attributes = 0x0a0968656c6c626f79
        Digest-Attributes = 0x010e766f69702e746f756b2e706c
        Digest-Attributes =
61316461636633 Digest-Attributes =
0x04187369703a746f6d697840766f69702e746f756b2e706c Digest-Attributes =
        Digest-Attributes = 0x050661757468
        Digest-Attributes = 0x090a3030303030303031
        Digest-Attributes =
Digest-Response = "2c8b62ee23ac6cbe4a551b8b698a509c"
        Service-Type = 0x0000000f00000000
  That looks like a bug in libradiusclient.  The Service-Type attribute
should be 4 bytes of data, not 8.

        SER-Service-Type = 0x0000000300000000
        SER-Uri-User = "hellboy"
        NAS-Port = 0x000013c400000000
        NAS-IP-Address = 0x7f00000100000000
  Again, the NAS-Port & NAS-IP-Address attributes should be 4 bytes of
data, not 8.

  This makes me suspect you're running on a 64-bit system, and that the
libradiusclient code isn't 64-bit clean.

Yes. I _think_ that this is the bug that chris fixed in freeradius-client 2 
days ago.

Try using a current snapshot of freeradius-client instead of radiusclient-ng 
and see if the problem is solved. Here is a link:

A patch I wrote to make OpenSER use freeradius-client instead of 
radiusclient-ng is at:

If you run SER instead of OpenSER you may have to fiddle with the patch 

A modified version of the patch has been applied to openser cvs. (See the 
comments for details)


Thank you !

I 've never worked with OpenSer and I have never tried to apply a patch to SER. Could you point me some resources
where I can get some more understanding what such patch  is and how to apply it ?
I read the comments and from them I understood that what I need to do is install FreeRadius Client,
because the problem considers client side, and then intergrete ser/openser to use this client.
And this is what I don't know exactly how to achieve please help me with this issue.
