So the stun listens on port 5060 instead of 3478 the default port.
What's the reponse if it has received a reflextive address request?

I don't need the full feature for stun. only the public ip/port is enough for me.
My client is linphone, it use ice, it only need this ip/port through stun protocol.
Is it possible with this builtin stun server?

George Wu

At 2014-10-16 16:43:48, "Olle E. Johansson" <> wrote:

On 16 Oct 2014, at 10:39, george wu <> wrote:


This document is too simple.

How to setup stun parameters? ip/ports?

This is not a STUN server. This is just to make it possible to receive
STUN requests on the SIP channels that kamailio already listens on.
