here is a patch against 4.0.5 to make this work with the address table
--- kamailio-4.0.5/modules/permissions/hash.c 2013-12-20 11:42:46.000000000 -0500+++ kamailio-4.0.5/modules/permissions/hash.c 2014-01-06 05:48:54.000000000 -0500@@ -486,13 +486,24 @@{struct addr_list *np;str addr_str;+ int_str avp_val;addr_str.s = (char*)addr->u.addr;addr_str.len = 4;+ get_tag_avp(&tag_avp, &tag_avp_type);+for (np = table[perm_hash(addr_str)]; np != NULL; np = np->next) {if (((np->port == 0) || (np->port == port))&& ip_addr_cmp(&np->addr, addr)) {+ if ( np->tag.s != NULL ) {+ avp_val.s.s = (char *)np->tag.s;+ avp_val.s.len = strlen(avp_val.s.s);+ if (add_avp(tag_avp_type|AVP_VAL_STR, tag_avp, avp_val) != 0) {+ LM_ERR("failed to set of tag_avp failed\n");+ return -1;+ }+ }return np->grp;}}
Kelvin Chua
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Kelvin Chua <> wrote:
then the documentation has to be changed:
1.4. Address Permissions
The module can be used to determine if an address (IP address and port) matches any of the IP subnets stored in cached Kamailio database table. Port 0 in cached database table matches any port. IP address and port to be matched can be either taken from the request (allow_source_address) or given as pvar arguments (allow_address).
Addresses stored in cached database table can be grouped together into one or more groups specified by a group identifier (positive integer value, i.e., equal or greater than 1). Group identifier is given as argument to allow_address and allow_source_address functions.
As a side effect of matching the address, non-NULL tag (see tag_col module parameter) is added as value to peer_tag AVP if peer_tag_avp module parameter has been defined.
Kelvin Chua
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Juha Heinanen <> wrote:
Kelvin Chua writes:based on fast scan of permissions module source, it appears that
> is the peer_tag_avp used on allow_source_address_group?
peer_tag_avp is set only by allow_trusted function.
-- juha
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