When I was testing on NatHelper , i realized that Some Kind of
Softphones can use "received" param on Contact for re-register
When re-registartion ,it uses received parameter IP on Contact
so that Kamailio cannot understand that it is Natted.
Kamailio dont send Options request to keep open ports because
of not natted. So after a little time , Modem or Firewall close
opened ports and then UAC is unreachable!
When i have a look ietf3261 , i couldnt find any thing this
flow. Do you have any idea about it?
I am looking forward to your suggestions.
First Flow.
UAC sends Registration --->>
Contact : <sip:123456789@>
Kamailio answer for register <<---200 OK
Contact :
Second Flow
UAC sends re-registartion --->> (Oh God there is a
received I must send registarion again!!)
Contact : <sip:123456789@>
Kamailio answer for register <<---200 OK (OK Bro! you
aren't Natted. No problem. I dont send Options)
Contact : <sip:123456789@>